Saturday, November 24, 2007

October 18, 2007: Skeleton Coast, Namibia

It was going to be a two-day drive to Etosha and we drove the first day along the Skeleton Coast. Famed for the vast number of shipwrecks, we were hoping to see Spanish galleons or at least a pirate ship or two in shambles on the beach. Alas, most wrecks were long ago covered up by the shifting sands, and, today, all that is left is a sad wreck that appears to be suspiciously staged.

The sign for an "official" wreck:The "wraked wreck:"

It didn't stop everyone from jumping in the ocean (probably because that was our first shower in over a week), however, or playing rugby on the beach. Later we happened upon an old oil rig that had collapsed, slowly being reclaimed by the surrounding sands.

The rig:

Detail of rust:

Cormorants nesting on the rig:

Interior view:
Thought this looked cool:

The industrial looking site of former operations:

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